How do I preview an article on the actual website?
- Roll the cursor over the corresponding thumbnail and click the “open in new window” icon in the upper-right corner.
Where do I find information about the performance of my shared links?
- Click “Analytics” in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.
What should I do if clicking the “share”icon does not generate a shortened link?
- Leave us a message using the “Leave Feedback” button at the lower-right of the dashboard.
How do I report a problem, troubleshoot, or provide feedback?
Click the “Leave Feedback” button in the lower-right corner of the dashboard.
Is there a way to filter for NSFW content?
For now, there is no way to filter for NSFW content or exclude for any type of content, for that matter. To SEARCH for specific content, type the keyword(s) in the search bar in the upper-right of the dashboard.
How do I share an article?
Click the share iconin the lower-right corner of the article’s thumbnail.
How do I filter by publisher?
Click “Filter Sites” on the upper-left of your dashboard and select the site(s) desired.
I can't find an article in Contempo even though I see it on the publisher's site; Why?
All of the content on Contempo is absorbed via RSS feeds provided and maintained by our publishers. This scenario might occur for the following reasons:
- The publisher has not updated their feed;
- The publisher only wishes for certain pieces to be made available to our network;
- If you think a publisher’s feed may be “broken,” i.e.: no new articles, please alert us by using the “Leave Feedback” button on the dashboard or contacting your account manager.
How do I bookmark a link to my saved shares?
Hover cursor over the upper-left corner of the article and you’ll see a tag. Click on the tag and you’ve saved your article. To see all saved articles, click on the link for “My Posts” in the top right area of your dashboard.
How do I generate a link to multiple articles?
Click on an article to select. It turns blue and shows (#) selected at the top of the screen. Once you have selected the articles you need, click the “links” icon at the top of the screen. This will generate a list of shortened links for each of your selected articles that you may now share as desired.
Where can I find all of the links I have created?
- Click the “Links” icon in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
I need to change the email associated with my account. How do I do this?
Please contact us at for this and any user account-related requests.